
Reservation method

予約をしたいです I would like to make a reservation.


ログインID – お客様のメールアドレス
パスワード – ご自身で設定されたパスワード または 初期パスワード: 111111

1. Please log in here

2. Make a reservation from the reservation schedule.

Login ID: Your email address
Password: The password you set yourself or the initial password: 111111

ログインIDがわからなくなってしまいました I’ve forgotten my login ID.

Official LINEでご連絡いただければ、お調べいたします。

パスワードを忘れました I forgot my password.

初期パスワードに設定し直しますので、Official LINEでご連絡ください。

We will reset it to the initial password, so please contact us via Official LINE.

特定のトレーナーの予約を取りたいです I would like to book a specific trainer.


指名料: 1,000円

江幡トレーナーの指名はOfficial LINEでのみ承っております。

If you would like to choose a specific trainer, please select the trainer when making your reservation.

Trainer selection fee: ¥1,000
Please pay at the gym’s front desk.

Trainer Ebata’s bookings are only accepted through Official LINE.

Official LINEで予約したのにシステムに反映されていないです。 I made a reservation through Official LINE, but it hasn’t been reflected in the system.

プランのチケットは毎月1日に自動で付与されます。そのため、前月にOfficial LINEで予約された分は、1日以降にシステムに反映されます。ご確認されたい場合はOfficial LINEにてご連絡ください。

Plan tickets are automatically added on the 1st of each month. Therefore, reservations made through Official LINE in the previous month will be reflected in the system after the 1st. If you would like to check, please contact us via Official LINE.

Plan Changes

プランを変更したいです I would like to change my plan.


1.Log in to the system here.

2.Go to My Page → Contract Management.

3.Change plan.

4.Select the plan you want to change → Next.

5.Check the box for “I agree to confirm the above details and proceed with the plan and option change.”

6.Execute the plan change procedure.



Suspension of Membership

休会したい When is the deadline for changing plans?



1.Log in to the system here.

2.Go to My Page → Contract Management.

3.Change plan.

4.Select “Suspend Membership” → Next.

5.Check the box for “I agree to confirm the above details and proceed with the plan and option change.”

6.Execute the plan change procedure.

Suspension is possible for up to 3 months. After 3 months, membership will automatically resume.

休会はいつまでに手続きすればいいですか? By when do I need to complete the suspension procedure?


If you wish to suspend your membership, please complete the procedure by the 19th of the previous month. If you complete the procedure after this date, the automatic withdrawal will occur, and you will not be able to suspend your membership for the following month, so please be aware.

休会はどのくらいできますか? How long can I suspend my membership?


You can suspend your membership for a maximum of 3 months. If you need to suspend it for longer than 3 months, you will need to cancel your membership.

休会中のチケット延長について Regarding ticket extensions during the suspension period.


During the suspension period, you cannot extend the expiration date of tickets. Please be aware that any tickets that expire during the suspension period cannot be used.

休会中に残っているチケットを使いたいです I would like to use the remaining tickets during the suspension period.


You cannot use tickets during the suspension period. If you would like to use the remaining tickets, you can do so by paying a monthly fee of ¥15,000.

休会後に退会したいです I would like to cancel my membership after the suspension period.


Cancellation requires a two-month advance notice. If you wish to cancel your membership, please contact us as soon as possible.

Cancel membership

退会したいです I would like to cancel my membership.


If you wish to cancel your membership, please contact us via LINE, fill out the cancellation form, and return it via LINE.

退会の申請期限はなぜ2ヶ月前なのですか? Why is the cancellation application deadline two months in advance?


A two-month advance notice for cancellation is required to manage the number of members.

退会後、再入会したいです I would like to rejoin after canceling my membership.


If you wish to rejoin after canceling your membership, please register on the waiting list, and we will provide you with further instructions in due course.


毎月のプラン自動引き落としの領収書が欲しいです I would like a receipt for the automatic monthly plan withdrawals.


1. メンバーサイトのマイページ画面で「購入履歴」をタップします。
2. 購入履歴画面で、領収書を発行したい項目の「購入明細」をタップします。
3. 購入明細を確認し、「領収書を発行する」をタップします。
4. 表示される画面で、宛名の1行目と2行目を確認し、必要に応じて変更してください。


You can download it yourself from your My Page.

  1. On the member site’s My Page screen, tap “Purchase History.”
  2. On the Purchase History screen, tap “Purchase Details” for the item you want a receipt for.
  3. Review the purchase details and tap “Issue Receipt.”
  4. On the displayed screen, check the first and second lines of the recipient’s name and make any necessary changes.

Please note that you cannot change the recipient’s name after issuing the receipt, so be careful to avoid errors.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.